Transcend Academics seeks applicants for their team

Transcend Academics is a student-run tutoring service aiming to bring free tutoring to low-income and underserved students. View their message below:

Hello everyone! Transcend Academics aims to continue to bring free tutoring to underserved students. We have received tremendous appreciation from parents and teachers so far, and we would love to reach a wider range of students and tutors. Our club helps students keep up with school work and even prepare for future grades and classes. We have two forms that you can fill out if you’re interested. We’re currently looking for 3-4 officers (Directors of Communications and Directors of Education), so if you would like to apply please fill out this form by 12/19: More information about the duties of each offer is on that form. If you are interested in becoming a tutor for the winter semester, please sign up using this form and we will put you on our email list immediately: If you are applying to become an officer, please fill out the tutor form as well. If you have any questions, please email us at Thanks!