Mallika Pajjuri, Writer
Mallika Pajjuri is currently a Freshman at Dublin High School. A multifaceted young woman, she revels in a copious amount of intellectual, linguistic, service, and athletic studies. Her ardent understanding of Japanese and Chinese culture allowed her to delve into languages, opening up a glimpse into a couple of the world’s economic powerhouses. As a vociferous speaker, she speaks to students in several Bay Area communities through the national organization, Stomp Out Bullying, which she is a Teen Ambassador. She expresses herself through music, and she is a member of the Dublin High Irish Guard. She is also a member of the Dublin High School JV Volleyball team. She thoroughly expresses herself through her articles, venting out her emotion through words. Dublin Shield has provided her with a wonderful platform, and she hopes that her writing proves to be insightful and engaging.