July 2015 Headlines

Polarized South Carolina House Takes Up Fate of Battle Flag

“Three weeks after the mass shooting at a predominantly black church in Charleston, the South Carolina House of Representatives is expected on Wednesday to step into the freshly revived debate about whether the Confederate battle flag should remain on the grounds of the State House.” – Alan Blinder, The New York Times

UPDATE 7/10/15: Era Ends as South Carolina Lowers Confederate Flag by Richard Fausset and Alan Blinder, The New York Times

Casualties of the Silicon Valley

“It is undeniable that despite the unfettered employment growth, the wages for middle class have mostly remained stagnant. Crucial members of our society like teachers, firefighters and nurses are priced out of these neighborhoods. The socioeconomic divide is widening by the day.” – Jasmine Jaksic, The Huffington Post

The Star Side of Bird Hill by Naomi Jackson: EW review

“Once in a while, you’ll stumble onto a book like this, one so poetic in its descriptions and so alive with lovable, frustrating, painfully real characters, that your emotional response to it becomes almost physical.” –  Isabella Biedenharn, Entertainment Weekly

Group Devises Nice Way To Tell Your Neighbors They’re Water-Wasters

“The reminder note has options for suggesting neighbors save water by moving sprinklers so that they don’t run into the street, turn sprinklers off when it is raining and sweeping instead of hosing down the driveway.” – Susan C. Schena, Dublin Patch

2015 Summer Box Lunch Program Launched in Tri-Valley

“The program, which serves 17 Tri-Valley school locations during the school year, extends into the summer and is also provided on weekends at the seven Summer Box Lunch sites, which are located in Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton. The weekend summer box lunch provides two healthy meals for children from low-income families each Friday afternoon.” – Bea Karnes, Pleasanton Patch

There’s Something Troubling About the Latest Viral Video Trend, #DontJudgeChallenge

“Of course, there are those #DontJudgeChallenge posters who say that it’s just a silly viral trend. But teen years can be painful years, full of social scrutiny and insecurities, and the “ugly” photos don’t do much to counter it.” – Theresa Avila, Mic