Trumpets. Saxophones. Trombones and drum sets. The second annual district Jazz concert this year was a huge success. This is the second year that the jazz bands have had their own concert rather than being included in the district concert. The Wells, Fallon, and Dublin school jazz bands all did a great job and played a variety of different songs.
“My favorite song was ‘Kiss the Girl’,” sophomore and trumpet player Victoria Datanagon said.
Both Wells and Fallon played a variety of songs, including some well known hits. The audience was able to hear popular songs played in a Jazz style. Wells excited the audience by playing Jazz versions of “If I only had a Brain” from The Wizard of Oz and Lady Gaga’s “Pokerface.” In addition to playing The Little Mermaid’s “Kiss the Girl”, the Fallon jazz band also played a very recognizable song for many DHS band kids.
“I liked the middle school playing ‘Malaguena’ because the high school did it for their field show,” sophomore Marley Rose said.
During this song there were many exited exchanged glances between DHS band members remembering playing the song earlier in the school year. La Fiesta, the final piece of the show played by the DHS jazz band, was one of the most popular pieces of the show.
“I liked ‘La Fiesta’ because the solos were really good,” junior Zachary Mattimore said.
This quick song featured many solos from jazz band members. The solos and fast beat of this song made it the perfect finally to an amazing concert.
“‘La Fiesta’ was [really] intense,” sophomore and DHS Jazz band member Riley Yarra said.
The end of this song, and the concert, was met with a loud round of applause by the audience. The amazing songs of the district band concert will definitely be remembered in years to come.