District Email Reveals Murray Elementary School Targeted in Shooting Threat

This week, parents in Dublin woke up to read an email from Dr. Leslie Boozer, the superintendent of the Dublin Unified School District. The email, titled “Message to Community regarding Murray Elementary School”, was a response to social media threats against Murray Elementary School on Davona Drive.


Boozer’s email, the first news for many that a threat had been posted, referred to “a threatening message that is being circulated on social media” about “a potential for a shooting at Murray Elementary School”. While the email did not reveal details about who posted the threat or which social media site the threat had been sent to, it did say the Dublin PD assured parents that it was safe for students to attend school. Additionally, the email reaffirmed the district’s commitment to it’s “Say Something, when you See Something” policy. The full email is included below:


We realize that it is a late hour, but we have been made aware of a threatening message that is being circulated on social media and we wanted to inform you as soon as possible. The Dublin Unified School District and the City of Dublin Police Department has investigated an allegation this evening of a potential for a shooting at Murray Elementary School. Parents of Dublin Unified School District children can rest assured that all incidents and allegations are thoroughly investigated by DUSD personnel and the City of Dublin Police Department in as expeditious, but thorough, manner as possible. Students and families need to know that actions carry consequences. If what they do is a violation of a criminal law, they will be charged in addition to what penalties are levied by the school district. Due to the young age of the students involved, we cannot disclose any information. However, the City of Dublin Police Department has confirmed that it is safe for students and families to attend school tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who made us aware of the threat. The safety of our students and community is our number one priority. We will remain relentless in doing everything within our power to keep our students safe. Please continue to Say Something, when you See Something. Remember, we take no threat lightly and neither does the City of Dublin Police Department. Thank you for your continued support and partnership with the City of Dublin Police Department and the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department.



Dr. Leslie Boozer


Dublin Unified School District