How to Get Ready for Homecoming like Royalty

Homecoming is finally here and the entire school can’t stop buzzing about it! It’s a week of school spirit, friendly competition between classes, and a time for the entire school to come together and have a great time. However, the real event that people are ecstatic for doesn’t arrive until the weekend- the Homecoming Dance. A night of flashy moves, food, and, yes, fancy clothes! So if you’re having a little trouble coming up with what that perfect outfit might actually look like, here are a few tips on how to get ready for Homecoming like a Homecoming King (or Queen)!


Mandy Tran

The Party Doesn’t Start Until the King Arrivescourtesy of Jhon Solis, junior

  1. Wake up from a nap.
    1. Homecoming Kings need their beauty sleep. Who’s going to look great if they’ve got bags under their eyes?
  2. Rent a tux.
    1. Make sure to check in with your date before renting the tux. Although most boys wouldn’t care what color their suit is, you never know how much it will matter to the girl, and you don’t want her freaking out about the fact that her dress is red while your suit is blue!
  1. Do your hair.
    1. Bad hair days are not an option.


Mandy Tran

Don’t You Wish She Were Your Date?courtesy of Rhiannon Coiner, senior

  1. Spend the night at your friend’s house.
    1. It’s great to get ready at home in front of your mirror, but it’s even better to have your own makeup crew!
  2. Put on makeup first, then hair.
    1. This step is vital! Eyeshadow, lipstick, why not just throw everything on?
  3. Put on the dresses.
    1. Number One Goal: Stop every single person in their tracks.
  4. Go out and take pictures.
    1. First shoot the fake candids, then do the posed. Everyone’s going to want to remember this night, so make them good!


Mandy Tran


When in Doubt, Go for the Gauntlet.


If nothing in your closet seems just right, then you can always play it safe. Throw on your Gael Gauntlet shirt, bead necklaces, and paint yourselves red, white, and blue. If this doesn’t scream spirited, I don’t know what does!