Senior Ball: Forever Young

On May 17th, Dublin High’s Class of 2014 is having their senior ball at the Dolce Hayes Mansion to celebrate one of their last bonding experiences as a class.
Senior Ball has always been a tradition at Dublin High School, unlike some other schools that do not have a dance specifically designated for the seniors. Each year, a large number of students look forward to this day. The class officers are especially excited as well, for they have been preparing a long time for this event.
“There will be dinner, dancing, casino tables, ball king and queen voting, and photo booths!” exclaims Caroline Nolan, the Senior Class Vice President. “The theme is Forever Young and the mansion will be elegantly decorated in teal and gold.”
While the decorations are a huge part of the event, there were other preparations to be made as well. Like all the previous years, seniors will take pictures at Shannon Park, then meet at Dublin High, where they will take buses to the venue.
“We wanted the theme to capture the carefree and energetic vibe that we want the night to have,” explains Class President Angie Wang. “The food will be served to us instead of having it as a buffet style dinner,” Wang continues. The students have the option of choosing prime rib, chicken, or vegetarian pasta. While the food selection is important, the venue itself is also one of the many highlights of the night.
“It is at the Dolce Hayes Mansion; you get to be in the first floor. There is a patio outside with couches and tables. It’s like you’re in a resort,” says Gene Elazegui, the Senior Class Secretary. Elazegui wants to promote senior ball as much as possible.
“Another reason we are taking buses is because there is not a lot of parking,” he adds.
Whether students are looking forward to the venue, food, or decorations, a lot of thought has gone into preparing for this night. The Forever Young theme represents the senior class coming together. Those who are planning to go should expect a night filled with luxury and excitement.