Dublin High Drama Department Has Huge Success at Lenaea Competition

On the weekend of February 11th, the Dublin High Drama Department attended Lenaea, a large theater competition at Folsom Lake College for high schools in northern and central California. What makes this competition different, however, is that after a group performs, the judges, called respondents, work with the actors on areas of improvement so they can make changes and grow as actors.


¨Going to Lenaea has been an amazing experience for me,” said Noah. ¨The whole event feels more like a festival than an actual competition, because of its extremely supportive environment.I had so much fun performing at the competition and learned a lot from the respondents. It was incredible to spend the weekend with many of my friends and have the opportunity to make even more.¨


From our schoolś department, juniors Noah Bradley and Simonne Campos won the Respondentś Award for Musical Theater and bronze for Musical Theater Award, respectively. Senior, Quintin Curtice, won bronze for his monologue performance.


The drama department was extremely successful, considering they were attending this competition for the first time, and did our schoolś theater program proud – as they have always done.