The ballroom in the Pleasanton Hilton was filled with uncontrollable laughter as everyone’s attention was focused on the stage in the center of the room where the performance was being held. A group of seniors jumped enthusiastically up and down, all giving their best impression of an Irish dance. In a matter of seconds, the hypnotist managed to get all of the dancers back in their seats and passed out on each other’s shoulders, while the laughter continued to build.
Dublin High held its annual Senior Banquet Friday, April 26 in the Pleasanton Hilton at 6:30 pm. As the event was semi-formal, all of the seniors attending made sure to dress their best. The girls all looked amazing in an array of colorful dresses while guys all put on their sharpest suits and ties.
The night began with all of the seniors being checked in and given their assigned table. The ballroom looked elegant covered in various college pennants and decorations depicting the seniors’ journey through high school. Outside of the ballroom, a hallway was filled with collages of students made by loved ones, showing their pride for their graduating senior.
As the seniors began to settle down into their seats, dinner was served by students’ parents, all dressed in white shirts and black slacks. The meal was composed of a salad with bread, an entrée of either chicken and rice or a vegetarian option of pasta, and ended with a piece of chocolate cake topped with a cherry.
Then the lights in the ballroom began to dim as the evening’s entertainment prepared for his show. A man in all black took the stage and in a booming voice announced he was the hypnotist that traditionally performed at Dublin’s Senior Banquets.
He began with simple tricks to warm-up the audience for what was about to come. The hypnotist then asked for student volunteers to become the night’s performers and while many seniors wanted to be chosen, only a select few were asked to go on stage.
The hypnotist started with small tricks, putting the students into a dazed lull and making them raise their hands. The fun began when the hypnotist told all of the student-performers they were tough bikers and in an instance, all of them gripped their invisible Harley’s and scowled.
The show became funnier as the student-performers were asked to drink “giggle water” before descending into a frenzy of chuckles or told that someone near them had farted before turning to the person next to them in disgust.
“The things he got the people to do were really funny, especially when he got them to drink the giggle water,” said Senior Sharanya Stanley.
The student-performers all listened to the hypnotist without hesitation and all looked to be in a trance for most of the show.
“It felt as if I was in one of those dreams where I embarrassed myself in front of people I knew. Sort of like about going to school with no pants,” said Senior Rahbar Khan, one of the students who was hypnotized.

The show ended with the hypnotist sending all of the student-performers back to their seats but not before setting up one final trick. With the mention of a simple word, they gave hilarious performances such as Ryan McRee’s Charlie Sheen outburst and Nick Sinai’s and Christa Hunt’s romantic Avatar reunion.
Senior Banquet drew to a close with all of the seniors receiving their senior pajamas to wear the following Monday. Although the night was over, many seniors enjoyed themselves.
“I liked [Senior Banquet] very much because [the seniors] got to get together and spend more time with our friends before we leave in our separate ways,” said Senior Vanessa La.
Senior Banquet kicked off many end-of-the-year events for the class of 2013 and the night was not only a lot of fun, it was hypnotizing.