A defining characteristic of Dublin High’s seniors has always been their ambition, with each year seemingly aiming to outdo the last. At The Dublin Shield, we’re always looking to pick the brains of devoted students like these and discover what motivates them to pursue their unique goals. One such student, Jerry Huang, sets high expectations for himself—both academically and literally, given his goal of one day obtaining his pilot’s license. In an interview we conducted with the aspiring pilot, Jerry provides his perspective on his journey and the steps he’s taken to get to where he is today.
AJ: Can you introduce yourself to our readers?
JH: Sure—it’s great to be talking to you! My name is Jerry Huang. I’m a senior in the class of ’24 and a member of the Engineering Academy. I’m also a member of the Engineering and Aerospace Clubs!
AJ: So I’ve heard you’re trying to get your pilot’s license. Can you describe the process and your progress so far?
JH: Yeah, a pilot’s license is something I’d love to work toward in the near future, possibly after I finish college apps in January. I took my Young Eagles flight last month, where I got to fly a plane (yes, at the controls!) for the first time. It was an amazing, fun, inspiring experience. I’m super thankful that the Experimental Aircraft Association offers these free first-flight opportunities and that there are so many passionate volunteers who are willing to put time (and fuel money) aside to allow people to experience the joy of flying. The process of getting a Private Pilot’s License is a long one and definitely costly, but there are scholarships out there that can significantly reduce the cost of ground school and flight lessons.
AJ: If I may ask, what inspired you to start flying?
JH: I’ve always loved aviation. When I was a toddler, there was one DVD we borrowed probably hundreds of times from the Livermore Civic Center called “Lots & Lots of Jets & Planes.” It was basically just an hour-and-a-half of airplane footage, but that got me hooked. [Later] I did my research and found Young Eagles, and got started from there. In the future, it would be nice to get a pilot’s license—whether it’s for a career or simply for fun.
AJ: Can you describe what you’re working on at the Aerospace Club?
JH: I’m excited to say the Aerospace Club is reaching for new heights this year, having merged with the RC plane club. I’m immensely proud of the progress we’ve achieved since my first year in the club as a sophomore—we’ve expanded the club to three times its size and have increased the number of activities we’re involved in. This year is our second year competing in the American Rocketry Challenge, and because we have so many people interested, we started a second team: Gael Force Cosmonauts. Gael Force Cosmonauts will be tracking their progress this season on social media, and if you’re ever available, stop by and launch a rocket with us!
AJ: Thank you for letting us interview you!
JH: Anytime, thank you!
Jerry is also a member of the Dublin Mayor’s Council, where, inspired by his involvement in Dublin High’s Engineering Academy, he pushes for more resources in STEM education. We’re all excited to see what he achieves in the near future, and wish him the best in his future endeavors.