Skipping Meals Hurting Students

Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. To some it seems normal to skip one or two meals, but studies show that skipping meals, especially breakfast could hurt their grades and athletics.

“It’s a hassle to eat breakfast,” Junior Darrell Millender states. “It’s easier to just eat a protein bar in my first period then wake up earlier.”

Many students when asked said that they didn’t have time. Though it can seem like a hassle to do, even eating a small handful of cashews and a banana can make you more focused and awake until lunch.

“I can’t eat in the mornings because it hurts my stomach,” Felicia Wong says. “I usually end up eating later on like second or third period.”

Teachers could be against the eating rule, so to avoid being hungry and getting yelled at try eating even a little bit. An apple or toast with peanut butter is nutritious and can stop that awkward stomach growling that always happens in class. The apple contains vitamins and peanut butter has protein that helps boost energy.

Grades were going down when students didn’t eat. Studies by many universities say that when students skip meals, they are more tired, less motivated, and their grades slip.

“I’m tired all the time and I end up just getting hot cheetos at the munchie mart,” an anonymous source said. “I end up just blowing off my work.”

It’s important not only to eat the required meals, but also make sure you are eating the right amount of nutrients too. Rather than a sugary cereal, fruits can substitute to help satisfy your sweet tooth. This simple change can mean a world of energy with no crash later on. Sugary cereals tend to cause students to burn out. Some have the same amount of sugar as a soft drink!

“I started eating breakfast this year and I just feel so much better,” Maia Peay states. “I also stop skipping dinner after my practices, I feel more ready for the next day.”

Whether it’s time consuming, hectic, or a chore to eat, make sure each meal you eat is nutritious. After all, it is your grades and life on the line.