Heart shaped chocolates. Red and pink balloons. Sweet smelling roses. On this day of care, friendship, and love, Valentine’s day has something sweet for everyone. Whether it’s the decorations, the cards, the flowers, or the care that drives celebration, the reason for its existence carries on.
It all began in 18th century England as a custom of choosing a significant other. According to writer and historian, Mary Bellis, it was in 496 AD that Saint Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th as “Valentine’s day.” It’s the day where one shows another care, love, and friendship by sending cards, or roses, the flower of love. And since then it has spread around the world – it’s even believed that birds pick their mates on this day.
“It’s the one day where you show [people] that you care, and you love them,” sophomore Anvita Valluru says.
Valentine’s day is dedicated to one basic thing — appreciation. It’s the one official day of the year where people express their love and care for eachother through cards, decorations, and sweet heart shaped candies. Many students also express the joy in preparing for this day, and being able to surprise the people they care about with sweet gifts.
“I enjoy Valentine’s day because everyone wears pink, and because of the love in the atmosphere,” Valluru says. “I like seeing the couples holding hands, and everyone gets chocolate.”
The experience of preparing for Valentine’s day is at times why many people celebrate it. The decorations, colors, and gifts appeal to people, and become symbols of friendship, and love. This day holds a completely different atmosphere from all other days of the year, one meant to be of surprise and appreciation for others.
“This holiday is different because it’s a lot more optional, it’s a feel good holiday,” Junior Annalisa Watson says. “Just feeling included and loved made me feel special and as though I was celebrating it right.”
This “atmosphere” of love is something that affects most people in some way or another. It can be used to feel better about a particular event, or special in a way, whether or not one actually celebrates Valentine’s day. It offers more options in terms of how and for what reason it can be celebrated.
Out of 365 days in year, this is just one dedicated to showing love for others, but it should not be limited to this. It’s celebrated in the hopes of bringing people closer together, and expressing emotions held back on previous occasions. Though people may have different ways of celebrating, or different aspects they enjoy the most, Valentine’s day will continue to offer its sweet filling to those who accept it.