Freshman Homecoming Float & Area Build


Homecoming week is right around the corner! The fun starts in just a week, students across grade levels are busy preparing for the Skit/Dance Night Rally, Area Build, Float Parade, Homecoming Football Game, and the Homecoming Dance. 


Even in the rainy weather, the Freshmen are still working on their float/area build. September 18th’s meeting was from 1:30 to 3:00 pm at Oak Ct, at the same time and location as the skit/dance practice. The students were hard at work creating and painting decorations inside the garage.


“Me and a couple other people have worked on dividing other people into groups that have different jobs to do. So far it’s been pretty fun, and we’ve made a lot of good progress. And I think we chose a great theme because it’s very colorful. It’s a lot of painting work but it’s something that’s relaxing and you can bring your friends with you. It’s lots of fun,” Isha Matlapudi explains.


Anoushka Malhotra says, “This is my first time here at float and skit practice outside of school and it’s been pretty fun. So far, I’ve been painting the signs for the area.”


Although there’s been excellent progress, there are certain materials that we are in need of such as golden brown acrylic paint, sand buckets, white pool noodles, wood, styrofoam, and red, white, pink, and blue duct tape. If you are able to donate these materials to the Freshmen Homecoming Float, please drop them off in room J-109 during school or at 6761 Oak Court any day from 10 am-2 pm or after 6 pm. All donations are appreciated! 


If you missed these past days, don’t fret! You can still take part in the Freshman float/area builds, on these three upcoming days – Wednesday, September 21, Friday, September 23, and Sunday, September 25. Check the class Instagram (@dhsclassof.2026) and text @floata to 81010 in order to join the Remind which has the specific times, location, and any upcoming announcements. Bring a friend and have fun while contributing to your class spirit!