Exciting, amazing, worthwhile — these were all words Dublin High students used to describe 2013. As New Year’s Day approaches, many display excitement and readiness to begin 2014, so what will students miss about 2013?
“2013 has been a pretty good year,” sophomore Emily Doig says. “But I am looking forward to 2014, because a lot of sport seasons will begin and a lot of good movies are coming out.”
The new year displays the coming of many new ideas, as well as the start of a whole bunch of sport seasons to truly begin the year with a “big bang.” Soccer, basketball, and wrestling will be continuing on through winter, while baseball, golf, lacrosse, and boys volleyball are scheduled to begin in the spring. Even new movies such as Neil Burger’s Divergent will be released in 2014.
Doig also added that she “will miss the first weeks of school when all the work is super easy and there are so many new people to meet.”
But then of course there are finals in January and AP testing in May that will begin, and could potentially lead to stress. So, though the first couple weeks of the new year could be great, don’t forget to continue to study, study, study for all those tests!
The future could hold many different possibilities for which direction life will go on, as junior Hannah Keihl believes.
“I always look forward to the future,” Keihl says. “Time passes on.”
Some may be extremely excited to begin the new year, while others, like sophomore Anvita Valluru, may be fearful of the future.
“I actually do not look forward to 2014,” Valluru says. “Junior year is supposed to be the hardest year of high school.”
Each year brings transitions and changes to a class that for some could be wonderful and make positive memories, while for others this may not be the case. Every person creates their own experiences so while many students look forward to the new year, others may not necessarily anticipate 2014 as much.
There must also be some regrets some people will be more than ready to mend as soon as the clock strikes 12:00 AM on January 1, 2014. Just think about it – a new year could potentially mean another chance to write another list of New Year’s resolutions.
Break is right around the corner, and when students return to Dublin High from that relaxing two-week period, 2014 is sure to bring about a whole new start.