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The Dublin Shield

The official Student News Site of Dublin High School.

The Dublin Shield

Disney’s Lineup: A Preview of Disney’s Upcoming Films

The intricate creation of our childhoods is all in regard to Disney. Disney, although on a low-box office streak, holds a hand of cards that can change the trajectory of all future Disney movies. Despite the majority of these movies being sequels or remakes of previous movie stories already established, these movies prove to be immensely important to Disney going forward.


Inside Out 2


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Inside Out 2 is the sequel to Inside Out, an emotional movie tying the emotions to the actions of a young girl. Inside Out powerfully brought attention to mental health in younger audiences, and became a classic movie that provided a message rather than a blatant story. Inside Out 2, although similar to the original, features the same characters: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Riley. The new characters, or emotions, featured in Inside Out 2 are Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, and Ennui. Unlike other sequels, Inside Out 2 has a base ground, providing a foundation to create a larger story and emphasize the diverse world of characters and feelings, in retrospect to Riley’s growing age.


Moana 2 


The original movie, Moana, showcased the first Polynesian princess in Disney. Disney’s 2016 Moana featured Moana, the daughter of the chief of her island, who stubbornly put her status on the line to protect her people. Not many story details have been revealed by Disney for Moana 2, so it could be possible that new characters will be featured in this upcoming movie. Similarly, the live-action Moana has also been confirmed, but will not be acting as a continuation of Moana 2 but rather a new version of the first Moana. 


Zooptopia 2


Zootopia 2 is one of the most sought-after sequels coming out in Disney. The first Zootopia provided a metaphor for exclusion in society, teaching younger audiences imperative topics relating to discrimination. Zootopia 2 has a story to build off of, whether it be another mystery or another problem within Zootopia, proving to be a promising sequel to the original


Snow White


Snow White, portrayed by the talented actress, Rachel Zegler, is a remake of the original animated Snow White. Snow White is considered to be a Disney classic, showcasing a compelling story of the harsh contrast between a daughter and an evil stepmother. Although facing criticism against the casting choices, the story of Snow White is yet to be seen, and whether or not there was a modern lens portrayed in contrast to the original story.


Frozen 3


Frozen 3, the third movie in the Frozen movie franchise, has also been announced. Not many details have been released, but considering how well the first two Frozen movies did, it is no surprise that Disney has decided to green-light another one!


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About the Contributor
Samaira Gaind
Samaira Gaind, Opinion Editor
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