DubLove Continues With LGBTQ+ Pride Day

DubLove Continues With LGBTQ+ Pride Day

Love is for all, and all should love, and that’s all that should be important. DubLove, a spirit week that ended with a rally and the Decades Dance, was an eventful week created to spread love and acceptance all through Dublin High School. The theme on spirit Wednesday, February 14th, was DHS pride, and students were encouraged to wear rainbow-colored clothes. It is almost ironic that DHS Pride Day fell on Valentine’s Day, proving that any love is still love and all students should feel safe to express their love without being judged for who they are. Acceptance of the LGBT community at Dublin High is very prominent especially with the current clubs formed to support students who are struggling with their identity and sexuality along with the many teachers who are showing their support for these students.

Notably, after the student-led rally and the assembly after that to talk about acceptance and love, students and teachers became more aware of the social injustices that are always happening around the school in regards to the feeling of safety and comfort among students. There have been many instances this school year where students have felt threatened and attacked for just being on campus, which is just awful. Having a day dedicated to the LGBT community helped to calm the waters a bit a help students show support to their fellow peers.

While this day had a lot of relevance to it, many students weren’t aware of this spirit day theme. A freshman at DHS said “f this event were bigger and more popularized, then it would be much more effective in the future. I don’t think dressing up changed the minds of people” about the LGBT communities and helped to destroy the stereotypes associated with students who are publicly a part of the community. When students were asked about their thoughts on this spirit day, a student replied  “Wait there was an LGBT day?” which just goes to show how unaware students were of the purpose of this day’s theme.

Spirit weeks are always fun and exciting; however, the overall purpose of them is usually never made very clear, so many students don’t care enough to dress up to show their support. The whole idea of DubLove Week was terrific to start with, but with the lack of participation, it doesn’t seem fruitful. If there were to be a week similar to DubLove in the future, urging students to participate and care about these events would make the week more fun because most students don’t care about these events because they believe it doesn’t affect them. While that may be true, it does concern their classmates, teachers, and friends. While awareness is something that DHS has already succeeded in, sympathy and understanding is something that still needs to be worked on.