Art Spotlight: AP Studio Art

For DHS students who want to pursue a career in the visual arts, taking AP Studio Art is often a possibility that becomes a reality.  Known to be the most rigorous of the art courses, it allows all who take the class to truly push their artistic capabilities out of the comfort zone.


“AP Art was actually pretty difficult to keep up in, because you have something to turn in every week,” stated junior Joey Kao.  She also states that AP Art varies in difficulty for everyone, particularly because everyone has a different medium or style of art they prefer to use.  Joey states that photography may be easier than painting, and can be much less time consuming when compared to the latter.


“It doesn’t only demand your time but it also demands your creativity as well,” senior Audrey Shi states, going on to say that “if you love art, AP Studio Art is something that really pushes you to your limits and shows you what you can do.”  Audrey goes on to emphasize that AP Studio Art was one of the “harder AP classes” she’s taken, encouraging only those who are truly passionate about art to take the course.


“It’s not only your own preferences you have to think about,” states junior Hannah Lee, “it’s always more about different styles, different media and different purposes.”  According to Lee, AP Studio Art does more than just train the aspects of your artistic ability you are confident in.  It’s about adaptation, and being able to use a myriad of styles to one’s creative advantage.


Besides the academic aspect of this class, students also point out the other benefits of immersing oneself in such an artistically-driven environment.


“You get to make new friends as you’re surrounded by people you can joke around with and people have fun with as you’re making art, the entire class is basically one big family once everyone overcomes their shyness,” enlightened junior Dominique Calaguas.  Clearly AP Studio Art is more than just deadlines and visual repertoires, and Dominique delineates this by stating that the class itself sustains a “space where everyone is really supportive of what you create.”


“AP Art as given me many opportunities to express how I want to show my personality,” mentions junior Stacey Won, who goes on to compliment the teacher: “Mr. Sollom has been very genuine towards us, and he really cares about our progress as artists.”  Not only does AP Studio Art offer students a curriculum to help nurture their artistic skill, but it provides a great teacher to match.  Stacey Won likens the class to a journey, and corroborates with Dominique’s statement that it is a place where students enjoy not only their own, but each others’ artwork.  


Clearly, the ‘AP’ in the course’s name still holds true despite it not being your traditional class setting.  Like all other APs, this one also has its own AP test, but not one that you might expect.  Instead of a multiple choice scantron or an essay, students build for themselves a portfolio to send to the College Board where they are evaluated and given a score from 1 to 5.  If AP Studio Art is something that sparks your interest, be sure to keep it as a possibility for your next year’s schedule!