Winter Is Coming!

Stop suffering from the lack of supplies and bring in tissue boxes and hand sanitizer to battle the winter illnesses! Many classrooms do not have the proper supplies for one to survive throughout the colder season, and many students have had prior teachers that refused to buy tissues for the year, due to their limited classroom budgets, and with many getting colds and other illnesses that come, tissue and hand sanitizer is necessary to maintain hygiene. To attempt to collect a supply of tissues and hand sanitizer, the PFSO is sponsoring a battle between the classes. The class with the greatest donation percentage will receive $100 in their PFSO account to be put towards each class’ senior year festivities.  Seniors can bring their donations to Ms. Hermens’ room, K-105, juniors to Ms. Mongold’s room, J-209, sophomores to Mr. D’Ambrosio’s room,  C-121 and freshman to Ms. Ha’s room, K-209. All of the donations must be turned in by October 31 to be counted for the competition.