The Feeling of Graduation

A moment most high school students dream about as soon as they enter freshman year; Graduation. Dublin High is about to go through their annual graduation ceremony with the class of 2014, these students will be ending a chapter of their lives and starting a new one.


Dublin High students are currently attended their end of the year activities such as senior picnic, senior sunset and senior ball. Where they spent bonding time as a class before dispersing into the world.  Some students look towards the future, excited and ready to absorb new experiences while experiencing college life.


“I’m excited to finally graduate because its going to give us the sense of reality of going into the real world and being independent on our own,” senior Amelia Dickenson stated.


While some students may be excited others are looking back at their past, at the memories they made as high school students.

“The thing I will miss most about high school is being around and knowing the same people for so long and having to leave them,” senior Rachel Fuller stated.


“Once I get my diploma I think reality will hit that I really no longer am in high school,” Rachel Fuller stated.


A bittersweet ending to the life of high school is leaving Dublin high’s students excited, nervous and possibly a tad bit overwhelmed. Although senior year is supposed to be the most fun laid back year it also has its challenges, for one, getting out of bed in the morning to even show up. Senior usually get what we call “senioritis”, a disease in which enable a almost graduated student from fully participating. Dublin highs seniors are trying their best to pull off the end of the year strong.


“I’m excited to meet new people and be a step closer to my future and career,” Fuller stated. The class of 2014 seems ready to start their new journey, all have different plans but all look just as bright.