What a wonderful way to end homecoming week. After a busy week of rallies, dress up days, lunch time events, and friday night under the lights, the student body at Dublin High all gathered for the popular homecoming dance on Saturday evening. This took place in the cafeteria at 7:30. Not only was there an amazing DJ, but also incredible decorations. Thanks to the leadership class, the night was well planned and coordinated!
DHS leadership student Kendall Morrissey said she “liked how the songs were easy to dance to.” Based on the crowd the DJ seemed to do a pretty good job of keeping the students entertained.
With neon lights, photo booths, and professional pictures, there was so much to look forward to. Junior Daniel Greim said “everyone looked amazing”, girls dressed in every color imaginable, and boys looking their very best, head to toe. With people crowd surfing, and others rocking out to the variety of music, it was a nice way to finish such a chaotic week. Everything worked out, and from what the administration was doing, things ran smoothly.
Music wasn’t the only main attraction, but the photo booth also drew many admirers. With kids piling in left and right, the photographer didn’t get a break! The pictures came out so well with boas, hats, and glasses students were waiting in line to take more!
For freshman John Brecht his first homecoming was “a different experience, getting breathalyzed was new!” It is definitely weird coming to the dance not knowing what to expect, but according to him he is excited for next year’s homecoming.
From senior Abigail Sweeney, this night being her last, it was so special , “being able to see the class act like a family. We all saw how important this last year is”.
Now starts the planning of next years homecoming!