2020 Student Election Results
After a vigorous week of non-stop promoting on Instagram and social media, the Dublin High student elections have finally come to an end. We are proud to announce the winning officers and their plans for the unique 2020-2021 school year!
ASB Team
President/Vice President: Edward Padnos and Caede McMahon*
Secretary & Site Council: Sidney Tran
“Serving as ASB Secretary this year and maintaining my role as a student representative on the School Site Council for another term, I plan on working with the other ASB officers to establish a strong leadership presence during and hopefully after distance learning. I strive on creating an interactive and more engaged student body, as well as a greater sense of pride for our school. Creativity is something that needs to drive the spirit and activities that cannot physically exist on campus at the moment, so I am excited to be a part of a team which inspires and observes that”
Treasurer: Megan Nguyen
“My name is Megan Nguyen and I am the ASB treasurer. This year I am focusing on community growth by fundraising with local businesses. Right now I am brainstorming different restaurants and businesses we can work with. I will have a poll for public input later this week. I have noticed that not everyone is in the know of projects or virtual activities. So, we are also planning on making a website for everything leadership and ASB does so it is easily accessible to our school. I want to foster a helping environment where everyone feels safe and heard at this school. It is vital that we come together during these times and lift each other up”
School Board Representative
Katie Cheng
“As school board rep, my main goal is to make students feel heard and that the district is serving them as best they can. I plan to amplify student voices by holding student forums, where students are given an opportunity to voice concerns to an audience of board remembers. As for policies I aim to address, they include the ability to receive credit from accredited institutions outside school and overall more course flexibility. Overall, I am very open to hearing opinions from all students. Whether you’re older or younger, left or right, or been in DUSD for a short or long time, I want your voice to be heard!”
School Site Council
Sidney Tran
“Serving as ASB Secretary this year and maintaining my role as a student representative on the School Site Council for another term, I plan on working with the other ASB officers to establish a strong leadership presence during and hopefully after distance learning. I strive on creating an interactive and more engaged student body, as well as a greater sense of pride for our school. Creativity is something that needs to drive the spirit and activities that cannot physically exist on campus at the moment, so I am excited to be a part of a team which inspires and observes that”
Celine Chan
“Now that I am re-elected, I plan to continue advocating for school policy changes to fit the needs of the student body! I will continue to represent the student body by listening to everyone’s voices. I plan to start a School Site Council Instagram to send out surveys and forms in order to take everyone’s opinions into account as well as inform the public of what was discussed at the meetings. I also intend to focus on mental health and inclusion, making sure that DHS’s distance learning is a smooth experience for everyone”
Aleena Imran
“Hi, my name is Aleena Imran and I am Senior Class Treasurer and a member of the School Site Council. I am so incredibly happy to have these positions that allow me to represent the voices of my peers. Now that I have won I plan on having personal conversations with much of the student body (all grades and genders) in order to gain proper perspective on the issues at our school. I will work to solve any problems that the student body is facing and help to minimize any concerns. The Senior class is extremely worried about completely losing all senior year experiences, I want to make sure this is not the case. I will continue planning safe in person and virtual events and fundraisers. With the help of the student body I will plan things that everyone would like to see happen. Overall I will utilize my positions to advocate for underrepresented voices at DHS”
Gael Force Commissioners:
Richard Chung and Hailey Guinto
“With quarantine still on a go, we plan to host fun virtual bondings! Some will include games and others will include movies! As of right now, we are planning to test the waters to see which ones are the most successful. Once we get back to school, we plan to hit the gas and support as many programs as we can. We will promote schooling events like crazy to ensure that attendance at those events are as high as they can be. We want to make sure that the people that are performing/playing feel supported with a big crowd that will show spirit and pride. If things do get better, we plan to host tailgates that include foods that fit most dietary restrictions and games to ensure that everyone enjoys their time! School can be stressful so we want to make sure that students have a chance to destress and live their lives to the fullest! I’m looking forward to a great year with all the gaels! Stay fly Dublin High!”
Cara Chambing and Kailey Matta
“Now that we’ve won elections, we are actually unsure as gael force commissioners, where our role is for this coming school year. we’re normally supposed to be attending events and getting everyone hyped. Even though this year is going to be a lot of moments of “unsure”, we are planning on taking action through leadership bondings and fundraisers that classes may hold. Another unique idea that’s coming up is dhs dubtalk. kailey matta is the host and cara cahambing is a producer. through dubtalk, we will definitely be spreading positivity and school spirit through zoom to our fellow classmates. we really just want to have a fun, safe year to make everyone’s year memorable :)”
Class of 2021:
President/Vice President: Dilsher Singh and Mikayla Trujillo*
Secretary: Jessica Wang*
Treasurer: Aleena Imran*
Class of 2022:
President/Vice President: Trisha Shangle and Suvan Shangle
“Hey!! Now that we’re prez/vp we plan on doing so much for our class! The first thing we are going to tackle this year is fundraising!! We are going to host many fundraisers for our class to earn lots of money for coming activities. We are also working on prom, homecoming, and other activities for our class. Lastly, we just look forward to hosting lots of bondings and making our class more cohesive as a whole”
Secretary: Susu Bhaduri
“I’m Susu Bhaduri and I’m junior class secretary! I’ve been secretary every year so far and I’m super excited to be elected again this year. This year specifically, we’re really focusing on fundraising because we’re planning for prom! I’m so excited for this year to come and for all the new experiences this year has to offer. Go gaels!!”
Treasurer: Lauren Dang*
Class of 2023:
President/Vice President: Dylan Wang and Leland Leung “The first thing we plan to do as President and Vice President is look for opportunities to fundraise money for our class. Through the current pandemic, many fundraising opportunities have been cut short, so we will be brainstorming ideas to raise money efficiently, but while also being safe relative to COVID-19. Besides fundraising, we also plan to host a class bonding event as soon as possible. Although we most likely won’t be able to host an event such as a movie night, we are still thinking of other options, such as small games and activities that our class can get together and play in the according social bubbles. Although it is uncertain whether we’ll have homecoming or not, we have already been brainstorming different possible homecoming themes, skit ideas, and float build ideas. We hope that we can connect our class to make sophomore year filled with fun!”
Secretary: Anish Kataria:
“As promised, my main goal is to raise spirit and represent student opinions – that starts with fundraisers, and we are already planning fundraisers with local businesses so we can use money for class events. We’re also looking for student feedback – all ideas will be decided by the want of students, and we’re gonna have polls on our stories to help decide this!”
Treasurer: Advait Jagannathan*
Class of 2024:
President/Vice President: Dunya Fakhri and Erin Lewis
“I would like to start fundraising immediately because the funds can be put into future events/competitions! Even with the pandemic, I would like to find ways to support the students of Dublin High and we can hold events with the funds from fundraisers. Another thing I am passionate about is unity. I want to unite the class of 2024. We can have possible class bonding events/competitions (virtually or possible social distancing) and by doing this, we can create an united class/school! I believe mental health is important. With online classes, school can be even more stressful and students may not know how to manage their stress. I would like to help and discover resources for them to utilize”
Secretary: Carissa Tran
“Now that I’m secretary, I wanna work on raising a voice for those who also want to create a change. I believe everyone should have the chance to step up and to help create a difference for the school! I also want to help contribute to making events, fundraisers, and other activities that will in general make this year something to look forward to, especially because of the pandemic we are in rn 🙂 I have so many ideas, as I think a virtual game night/arcade would be really fun!! I will of course fulfill the duties as secretary, and make sure to fully commit to the position!!”
Treasurer: Jeia So
“Hi I’m Jeia So and I’m this year’s freshman treasurer! In terms of treasury work, since we’re all quarantined and social distancing, there aren’t a lot of in person events to fundraise for. Instead, money raised will go toward special projects or be saved for next year on campus. With more funds saved, there will be so many more opportunities for fun events when we can physically be together! As an officer, issues and topics that I want to focus on include increasing student engagement, erasing the stigma of asking for help (creating anonymous discussion boards, etc), and finding more comfortable ways for students to virtually interact and meet each other! I’m really excited for the potential of this online year, and am looking forward to working with the other officers, the class parents, and most importantly the student body :-)”
It’s safe to say that everyone has such big ideas! We are excited to welcome the new officers, and also to congratulate everyone! As a school, we look forward to seeing the officers implement positive change in our community. Go Gaels, and remember to keep social distancing!
*Unfortunately, we were unable to get some officers’ responses. For more information about the officers, check out the website linked below!
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Jessica Wang is a current Senior at Dublin High School, and this is her third year with the Dublin Shield. She has loved writing and art ever since...

Saanvi Aneja is a current sophomore at Dublin High School, and is one of the many staff writers at the Dublin Shield. She has always enjoyed challenging...