The College Fair of All College Fairs

On Tuesday, March 13th, Dublin High hosted its first college fair during 4th period, 5th period, and lunch in the old gym. DHS students had an opportunity to explore their college options and speak to the professionals who would be reading their college applications. At the fair, there were many colleges that are ideal for students considering science and technology majors, as well as a few general state colleges. The multiple flyers, posters, and brochures at the booths, allowed students to easily identify the colleges.


Being a freshman, I went to the fair during lunch and noticed many students speaking with the representatives about questions they have about college in general, the specific courses the college offers, and the scholarships that one can attain. The college fair was a great opportunity for students to explore their future and think about the school they would like to attend.


Opportunities like these should be available on a regular yearly or monthly basis with different college representatives coming in and speaking with students. During the beginning of the year, college representatives from top schools such as Dartmouth, UCLA, USC, and much more came to speak to students in the college and career center. While these events weren’t always announced, but they were continuous throughout the year. Many students who missed the chance to go these presentations because their teachers would not excuse them from class or they just didn’t realise DHS held such events. One student said that the fair would be better if “popular colleges like NYU were there”. This would be very beneficial if the college visits happened throughout the year, rather than just at the beginning and at the end, because they would help relieve students of their anxiety about the future and the part college plays in that future. However this opportunity was utilized by many students to talk about their future with trained professionals who could lend a helping hand when it comes to a broad and often terrorizing topic like college.