We Have a School Newspaper!?

The “club” picture? Anything seems fishy?

Dublin High School has always been a very open community that has many clubs on campus. But did anyone know that we have a school newspaper?


Yes, as surprising it is, Dublin High has a newspaper called the Dublin Shield for several years. It is a student led club with Editor-in Chief Ashley Kim and Managing Editor Kaushikee Nayudu. When asked about thoughts on the school newspaper, freshman Adrienne Bryant said, “We have a school newspaper?”


This just about sums up the paper.


The majority of the student body didn’t even know Mr. Aminian, the club adviser, and the fact that he is an actual paid teacher on campus.


The lack of knowledge about this club and its whereabouts make it very questionable. Who knows, maybe it isn’t even a club and all these questions and rumors starting to arise are forcing the members of this “club” to become discrete. It could just be an organization posing as the Dublin Shield. Being the bearer of bad news is always tough, but is the school absolutely positive that the club and newspaper isn’t just a coverup for secret FBI spies on campus? The memes have been getting out of hand about FBI agents looking through phones. Maybe… the agency was not gaining enough information through a phone screen and they had to increase their information sources.


The only way to know is to go to a “meeting.” They are held every Monday in Room Q-9. I hope you bring a shield for protection, because they won’t be providing you with one.