Day of Kindness Wraps Up DubLove Week

As the last day of a week celebrating love and diversity, Friday, February 16 was a day of kindness and wrapped up Dublin High School’s first DubLove week with a rally. On this day, instead of wearing colors highlighting a specific issue, students were encouraged to wear colors associated with love and Valentine’s Day that were assigned to their classes. Seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen wore red, pink, white, and purple respectively.


“Diversity is very important since you see different viewpoints and learn more about other cultures and how people are different from each other,” said freshman Carina Chen. But she observed: “I didn’t think many people took it seriously. Not many people participated in dressing up.”


“[The goal of] DubLove week was to spread positivity throughout Dublin High! We wanted to show appreciation for various aspects of the school that we sometimes forget to on a daily basis,” said junior Arsya Sinha, who is involved in Dublin Leadership. “I feel like kindness is so important for high school students especially since most are stressed and tired in general. A little kindness goes a long way!”


Usually, meaningful acts of kindness are associated with huge actions, such as donating to charities or building homes for the poor. However, keep in mind that small acts of kindness are just as impactful. They can even make a bigger impact on someone’s day than you might think. A simple “hello” or inviting someone sitting alone to sit with you and your friends can brighten a person’s day. This spirit day reiterates the importance of being respectful and kind to everyone you see because you never know what other people are going through in their lives and when a smile can be the brightest point of someone’s day. Never underestimate the impact of kindness.


Dublin High School’s diversity is something to be embraced, and just because the week has ended does not mean the sentiments associated with it should. Acceptance and love do not need a specific day to be celebrated – we should continue treating everyone with respect every day of the year.


End negativity. End the stigma. Spread positivity. Spread kindness. Above all, spread the love.