A Recap on Dubversity Week and Why We Needed It

Most of you may know that a couple weeks ago was Dubversity Week, an opportunity for Dublin High to celebrate differences among the student body in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, etc. A gathering was held in the gym on Wednesday, which showcased the diverse clubs and culture here on Dublin High’s campus. The fair was followed by an assembly on Thursday, which raised awareness about the importance of education as a tool to combat ignorance.



But what prompted the need for Dubversity Week in the first place?



Earlier this year, a few incidents occurred in which students were made to feel unsafe, disrespected, or discriminated against by their peers. When these situations were made known to the public, students were outraged at the lack of acceptance and consideration for Dublin’s diversity.



Knowing a change needed to be made, a few seniors took it upon themselves to contact Ms. Byrne and organize a student-run assembly. The assembly focused on the message that racial slurs and offensive language/behavior are not tolerated in any way at DHS. Seniors Shayan Bawaney, and Kylie Burke, as well as Ms. Bonde, courageously stood in front of hundreds of students and shared their personal experiences with discrimination, whether it was blatant racism, microaggression, or homophobia.




Students also had the opportunity to anonymously send in a description of a time they felt unsafe on campus or had experienced prejudice, and a few responses were formed into a video shown at the assembly. The numerous amount of responses that were sent in proved that the incidents that occurred at the beginning of the year were not isolated. There is a pattern of ignorant and intolerant behavior occurring, and that needs to change.





The assembly also included activities the audience was asked to participate in. Many were even moved to tears by the activity during the assembly in which students were asked to stand up if they identified with verbal prompts that ranged from being Asian, Latino/a, LGBTQ+, feeling alone or being bullied, to struggling with money. For many students, looking around and realizing that many of their peers could relate to the struggles they faced reminded them that they are not alone.




Dubversity Week made us all more aware of the diversity on campus, but it’s not enough to leave it there. What can we, as students, do now to ensure that Dublin High becomes a more safe and accepting environment for everyone?



First and foremost, use your voices. Speak out if and when you hear someone being racist, sexist, homophobic, or using derogatory terms. Let them know that their behavior will not be tolerated at Dublin High. After all, students are more likely to listen to someone their age. Combat ignorance with education, and do so respectfully.



But most importantly, DHS, remember to love one another, despite our differences. After all, diversity is what makes Dublin an amazing place to live.