Do You Guys Make Keys?

For most students at Dublin High School, the week of November 6th was just like any other. For a few, it was a chance to show off their passion for the largest international student-led organization dedicated to service: Key Club.


When people first hear about Key Club, many jokingly ask, “Do you guys make keys or something?” And no, the members of Key Club do not. Key Club is an organization that helps students serve their communities while developing leadership skills and networking, which is the attribute that makes Key Club special. Students from all different backgrounds are able to connect and bond through their love for service.



When asked why she loved Key Club, Treasurer Nikki Nguyen responded, “3 words. Service. Friendship. Inclusiveness.” Those powerful words were what she and other Key Clubbers put on display during Key Club week.


Every day, Key Clubbers were called to do something that showed their love for Key Club. The week layout was as follows: Show your K, Kudos to the Key Players, Dare to Care, Random Acts of Kindness, and Connect the K’s.


On the first day, Key Clubbers showed their passion by wearing Key Club shirts and other spirit items. On the second day, Key Clubbers honored their advisors, teachers, and other Key players by making cards and thanking them personally. On our campus, students got together to create a thank you card for Ms. Sheaff, their club advisor who presides over the meetings every Tuesday. On the third day, Key Clubbers participated in service events for Key Club’s preferred charities: UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network. On the fourth day, Key Clubbers were asked to perform random acts of kindness for their community. Finally, on the fifth day, Key Clubbers connected with the other branches of Key Club for a joint service event.



Key Club is unique because it allows students to participate in a movement much bigger than themselves. Altogether, Key Club International has over 12 million hours of hands-on service, has eliminated Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus from more than 40 countries, and created a generation of dedicated student leaders.


So no, Key Club does not make keys. But they do open doors to new opportunities.