DHS Reacts to Women’s History Month

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Women worldwide protested at A Day Without a Woman marches.

Women’s History Month is a month dedicated to the contributions that women have made to society, whether it is in politics, the sciences, the arts, literature, or music. In the United States, women’s history month began with the first International Women’s Day in 1911, which commemorated women’s rights. In modern day, women’s history month is celebrated by honoring all the women in history that persevered for equality.


This year, International Women’s Day was on March 8. This year’s theme was Be Bold For Change, inspiring women all around the world to challenge the norms society places on women. In honor of this day, the Women’s March organized a campaign called A Day Without a Woman. The participants of this campaign were encouraged to not work, peacefully protest, and wear red in solidarity.


To recognize women’s history month, the Dublin Shield asked students and teachers on campus what the idea of women’s history means to them.


Junior Audrey Shi said, “I celebrate women’s history month because it is important for all girls and women to feel empowered and loved.”


Sophomore Catherine Capretta expressed, “It’s time for me to celebrate me being a woman and all the things women have done for the the world.”


Women’s history not only is important to the young women at Dublin High, but also is special for the teachers on campus.


English teacher Ms. Briggs had an interesting perspective on women’s history month. She commented, “It is unfortunate that we have to have one in order to recognize the contributions of women. In a perfect world, the contributions of women and men would be honored side by side. That’s why it’s so incredibly important to honor the contributions of women.”


She and the many other teachers on campus believe that there is potential in all the young women and men at Dublin High School.


That is what makes Women’s History Month so important at Dublin High School. There are women everywhere on campus that deserve to be recognized for all the hard work they have done. From the administration to the teachers to the amazing students themselves, Dublin High would not be the same without the influence of women on its campus.


That’s why we, as Dublin High, celebrate Women’s History Month- not only for the women that have made history, but more importantly, for the young women who will make history.