The time greatest holiday of the year, the most wonderful time of the year; the day all little boys and girls look forward to every winter season. The one day a year everyone likes to wake up early and see what awaits for them from Ol’ Saint Nick. That’s right, the Christmas holidays are here yet again. Not everyone celebrates it the same as others due to religion, or family, or other beliefs but everyone does something special to celebrate the holidays.
Overall, students here at Dublin High still look forward to Christmas and showing their holiday spirit such as junior, Asif Baharistani who is Muslim.
“The holidays are times I can spend with my friends and family and have a good laugh,” Baharistani says. Even though he practices a different kind of religion, he still celebrates Christmas the same as everyone else.
“We do Secret Santa, put up a tree; but we don’t believe in the actual Santa Claus,” Baharistani adds.
The holidays are something that are typically shared, spent with loved ones, cherishing time with one another. As years have passed kids and teenagers have seemed to forget the actual purpose of Christmas and how the holidays are actually supposed to be celebrated.
“Jesus is the reason for the season,” Senior Sydnee Hazeldine says. When it comes to Christmas for the Hazeldines, Jesus is an important aspect in the holiday celebration.
“Christmas to me was the day Jesus was born, and is a day that my family gets together and we make food and exchange gifts,” Hazeldine adds.
At Dublin High, the students are very diverse; they come from all over the world and all celebrate the holidays differently. Junior Trezen Smith goes all the way to Colorado Springs in Colorado and spends his holidays just hanging out with his friends, watching movies and spending time with his family.
Junior Srna Patel is from an Indian background and her religion doesn’t affect how she celebrates the holidays.
“My family isn’t religious. We actually love celebrating Christmas,” Patel says. “But I don’t know if my religion has anything against it or not. “
No matter what religion, ethnicity, or color, at Dublin High Christmas is the one holiday a year that most students seem to all celebrate the same, especially when it comes to the presents. Just remember, it’s the most wonderful time of year.