The year’s almost over now. The countdown has already begun. Amidst all this rush to finish strong and graduate smoothly, seniors still have many events to attend, among them being Senior Picnic.
“This is the reward we give ourselves after a long year full of hard work and effort,” says Senior Jonathan Zhu. “This event helps wrap up our final days in high school with a stress-free day with the only worry being how to enjoy it in the best way possible.”
Senior Picnic at Great America this year was one experience unlike any other. Although Senior Banquet and Senior Ball had their own highlights, it would be best to say that simply making the trip to an amusement park with the rest of the graduating class is a highlight itself.
Seniors started off the day early at Senior Breakfast in the Student Union. Around the same time, yearbooks were passed out as students were finishing off their morning meal. Around 9am, the class of 2013 took off on buses to Great America for a day’s worth of fun with friends.
Upon arriving at the amusement park, seniors broke off into their own groups to venture around the park, tackling rides and playing games with friends. Between 11am and 12 noon though, the whole class met up at the Picnic Grove to have lunch. With hot dogs and chips and ice cream and drinks, seniors had a blast eating with the rest of the class.
The rest of the time at Great America was spent on their own.
“I think my favorite ride would have to be Gold Striker,” says Senior Vincent Lam. “Even though the wait was much longer than any other ride there, I believe it was well worth it.”
“I like the Psycho Mouse ride the best,” says Senior Natalie Park. “I think it’s a cute ride, and even though it doesn’t look scary, it is pretty scary once you are on the ride.”
The Class of 2013 left Great America around 4pm in the afternoon and arrived back at Dublin High around 5pm. Park says the time spent at Great America was a time when special bonding with all the seniors was made possible.
“It is part of our final goodbyes as a class before we go our separate ways,” says Lam. “With this day, we can make memories that will last a lifetime and that we can always hold precious even if our lives grow apart.”