Freshman Keilani Taylor-Pham is enjoying her first year here at Dublin High. As a new member of the community, Taylor-Pham finds Dublin to be very welcoming upon her new arrival.
“It’s comforting to find others that share the same interests as you, especially since I was new to the district last year,” says Taylor-Pham.
At Dublin High, Taylor-Pham is currently taking classes including Biology, Mandarin 1, 2-D Art Design, and Advanced English. Although she enjoys all of her classes, Taylor-Pham says she considers art and English to be her favorite subjects.
“Dublin High carries a good reputation, and it has proven true to me,” states Taylor-Pham. “The environment holds an atmosphere of safety and tranquility.”
Inside and outside of school, Taylor-Pham enjoys creating artwork of her own. She enjoys drawing, collaging, and designing graphics on Photoshop.
“Art, to me, is magnificently articulate in it’s silence,” exclaims Taylor-Pham. “It’s a movement of expression, one of my ways to escape and to exhibit all the emotions that inhabit within.”
She says her 2-D Art Design class gives her a chance to explore various styles and methods of creating a picture.
“I’m currently in love with our collage project, the decorated letter, calligraphy, and the oil pastel artwork,” reflects Taylor-Pham.
Other than art, Taylor-Pham enjoys long distance running, reading, and listening to music. She likes reading novels like Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. As for music, Taylor-Pham says most of it is old school rock music, alternative, indie folk, surf pop, and noise pop.
At this point, Taylor-Pham doesn’t have anything in particular that she looks forward to in high school.
“My answer is vague, since I’m kind of unsure right now,” says Taylor-Pham. “I’m just allowing all the experiences to come when they can, and just cherish my time in high school.”