Kids Against Hunger: Feeding Hungry Bellies With Full Hearts

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, almost forty students from Dublin High School gathered at the Kids Against Hunger warehouse in Pleasanton and packed 7,344 meals that would be delivered to starving children locally and across the world, shattering the 5,000 meal goal they had set for themselves. The event began at 4:00pm and lasted till 5:45pm, and each attendee left with a full heart, knowing that the food they had packed was going directly to a child who really needed it.


Kids Against Hunger is a non-profit humanitarian organization with locations around the world that aims to end world hunger.


“Kids Against Hunger shines a bright light of hope for the future as incredibly compassionate students and citizens of various communities come together to create meals for the impoverished, starving children worldwide,” said senior Christina Nguyen, co-president of the Kids Against Hunger Club at Dublin High School.


Each meal packed contains servings of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and vitamin powder, to provide a nutritious and wholesome meal for malnourished children. The packers even had the opportunity to taste the food they were about to send to so many children, and they all agreed that it was delicious. Overall, the event was fun and meaningful to all who attended it.


“It felt good to take time off from school and homework and focus on doing something that truly benefits people around the world. What made the event even better was that my friends were right next to me and we had a great time together,” said Dishaa Ramesh, a junior who regularly attends the packing events. “Although the task was sometimes tedious and repetitive, it brought me immense satisfaction as I knew the food was going towards a good cause and I had seen the happiness on the children’s faces in the video as they received the food we packed.”


Like Ramesh, many packers arrived with their friends, so the event was not just an opportunity for volunteers to do good in the world, but also socialize and spend time with their friends as they completed a good deed.


For those who missed the event, there are two more packing events scheduled for this year. The Kids Against Hunger Club will be hosting their annual event at Dublin High School on February 14, 2018. The second, and last event of the school year, will be on March 7, 2018, at the Kids Against Hunger warehouse at 1258 Quarry Lane, Pleasanton, CA. Save those dates, and listen for announcements as those days approach! For more information about the club or any of its events, contact [email protected].